Data Platform helps Liverpool City Council's response to Covid-19

June 2020 | News

Liverpool City Council has stepped up its use of Sentinel’s Data Platform in order to help residents at greatest risk during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The authority has been using the data integration software for several years, applying it to provide an accurate, holistic view of families across the city and learn more about their needs.

Data is profiled to identify families with complex and multiple difficulties, enabling teams to focus on improving outcomes through prevention and early intervention.

At the outset of the Covid crisis, the council recognised how the Data Platform could be used to help it to identify those who were most vulnerable during the pandemic, in order to help distribute essential supplies such as food or prescriptions, or to provide any social care support that could potentially arise.

As a result, the Platform was extended to include health-related information from more than 12 new sources – including nine direct from the NHS – bringing the total of integrated data feeds to more than 40.

Sentinel’s team set up new data matching rules and functionality, including filterable views relating to Covid susceptibility as well as the ability to extract relevant information to feed back to key health partners.

The depth of understanding this has provided has enabled the council and its partners to continually direct resources to where they have been needed most.

This has included providing shielding support for those who have been most at risk from catching the virus and prioritising care and support for vulnerable households with a positive case or where everyone is isolating.

“We were able to get this up and running very quickly and we’re very pleased to have been able to assist the council and its partners at such a critical time,” said Sentinel Partners director, Graham McCusker.

Related - Supporting local authorities' tactical response to Covid-19


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