Azure powers Cambridgeshire Assessment System for Early Years
February 2020 | News
Sentinel’s CASEY system, which helps to monitor and manage pre-school children’s progress is now even faster after moving to a new home in the cloud.
Developed for Cambridgeshire County Council’s Early Years’ Service, the shared solution has been switched to operate on Microsoft’s Azure platform.
The move to the cloud service is providing an enhanced experience for its users - the settings across the county and the Early Years team.
“Whilst the system has been working extremely well for several years, both Sentinel and the council recognised the advantages of moving it to Azure,” said Sentinel Partners director, Graham McCusker.
“We’re delighted that these benefits are now being realised, with CASEY now providing quicker and easier access to a wider range of child based data from different sources, including health teams.”
Using a secure online portal, CASEY draws together information on children’s progress throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3).
Providing an effective means of evidencing development, it helps to ensure more children are ready for school.
Aggregated data is visible to local authority advisers and children centre managers via specially designed dashboards.